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What are Hypopressives?


Hypopressive exercises are a unique blend of posture and breathing techniques designed to reduce pressure in your abdominal and pelvic regions. These exercises offer a range of benefits, including:


  • Pelvic Floor Health: By lowering intra-abdominal pressure, these exercises help take pressure off the pelvic floor muscles, making them a great option for preventing, improving and rehabilitating pelvic floor dysfunction.


  • Core Strength: These exercises gently activate your deep abdominal muscles, which indirectly helps support your overall core strength and stability.


  • Posture: Awareness of spinal alignment naturally improves your posture and will lead you to better overall body mechanics.


  • Stress Relief & Anxiety Reduction: The calming, rhythmic breathing used in hypopressives helps to soothe the nervous system, reducing stress and anxiety.


A key component of hypopressive exercises is the controlled apnoea, this is a breath-hold phase which helps amplify the changes in pressure that occur naturally throughout the breath cycle.

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